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Schools of Sanctuary in Leeds

Schools of Sanctuary in Leeds

Two more Schools recently received their awards just after Refugee Week 2023 with a special event at Leeds Civic Hall. Congratulations to Allerton CoE Primary and Leeds City Academy on attaining the School of Sanctuary status.

There are currently 12 other schools in Leeds working towards the award so it is anticipated that many will receive their awards next year in Refugee Week at the next Award Ceremony.

New primary school resource ‘Windows of Opportunity.’

Have you seen our new ‘Windows of Opportunity’ resource for primary schools, especially CoE primaries, which encourages children to think through leaving their homes and travelling to a new country and settling there. The challenges this presents as well as the opportunities that lie ahead are presented with discussion starters and activity suggestions. It is based on the stained glass windows of Christ Church Upper Armley and the resource by Janet Fraser Smith called โ€˜Refugee Realities in Church Art.โ€™

There is lots more information about Schools of Sanctuary nationally on the main site.ย In particular you can find the national Resource Pack.

Schools of Sanctuary aims to:

  • Promote positive attitudes within schools and their communities around people seeking sanctuary
  • Support schools to take positive steps and to be proud of being places of safety and inclusion for all
  • Recognise and celebrate schools that are committed to welcoming and supporting people seeking sanctuary

Why get involved?

  • Create a sense of safety and inclusion for all
  • Develop understanding of what it means to seek sanctuary and dispel negative myths
  • Provide learning opportunities around human rights, social justice, diversity and interdependence
  • Strengthen race equality and community cohesion work
  • Increase student voice and promote active citizenship

How can my school get involved?

We invite all schools in Leeds to get involved. The process is outlined on the national website.

Please be sure to:

  1. Sign the organisational pledge
  2. Contact Katherine, your local lead on [email protected] to let me know you want to start the process.
  3. I will then contact you and we’ll meet either in person or online.
  4. You can make use of the audit tool to see where you are at already in relation to the criteria.
  5. When you are ready, you can fill out an application form and submit your evidence online. There are guidance notes to help you.
  6. You will then be assessed by a panel to see if you have met the criteria under the three principles of LEARN, EMBED and SHARE.
  7. Finally you will be presented with an official School of Sanctuary certificate!

The principles in brief

  1. Learn about what it means to be seeking sanctuary
  2. Embed concepts of welcome, safety and inclusion within your school and the wider community
  3. Share your vision and achievements โ€“ be proud!

Other details