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What donations are needed in Leeds?

Food and toiletries 

PAFRAS need donations of tinned food and toiletries for their drop in.

Food donations needed: Tins (tomatoes, pulses, veg, fruit and fish), rice, cereal, snacks, tea and coffee

Toiletries needed: Shower gel, toothbrushes and toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, razors

Please deliver to the Wednesday Drop In ( Wendesday 10am at St Aiden’s Church Hall, Eldon Place) or to their office (Unity Business Centre, Roundhay Road) between 9am – 2pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Clothes donations

St Vincent’s, who collect and distribute donations to refugees in Leeds, urgently need donations of clean, warm clothes.
Donations can be dropped off any weekday between 10am and 4pm at St Vincent’s Support Centre, 4 Berking Avenue, Leeds LS9 9LF (0113 248 4126)

Please check the Yorkshire Aid Facebook page for updates on donations for Calais:


Solidaritech urgently need donations of tech (phones, laptops, tablets) which they will prepare and distribute to those who need it. Tech donations are incredibly important to help refugees stay connected in Leeds and also with their loved ones who may be far away. Find more information here: